Degem Systems inaugurates Beijing automotive electronics training center

The center, a $200,000 investment, will be the first of many autotronics centers.

Degem Systems will inaugurate this evening a training center for autotronics (automotive electronics) in Beijing, China. The center was a $200,000 investment. The Chinese government hopes to expand the initiative, and establish 200 such centers throughout China.

The center was established by Degem, controlled by the Asher family (78%), in cooperation with the Beijing Institute of Economics and Management.

Degem Systems president Israel Asher told "Globes" that the contract was signed after five months of negotiations. The Chinese government wants local auto shop workers to deepen their knowledge of autotronics, in light of the country's rapid growth, which has increased the number of motor vehicles to 17 million.

Published by Globes [online] - - on Monday, June 21, 2004

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