IAI, Elbit Systems, Rafael, IMI, Tadiran Communications among world’s 100 largest defense firms

“Defense News” included Tadiran Communications on its list for the first time. The ranking of Israeli companies declined.

“Defense News” has included five Israel defense companies in its list of the world’s 100 leading defense companies for 2004 the “Defense News” Top 100.

Tadiran Communications (TASE: TDCM) was included on the list for the first time. The other companies are Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), Elbit Systems (Nasdaq: ESLT; TASE: ESLT), RAFAEL Armament Development Authority, and Israel Military Industries (IMI), all of which were ranked lower on the list than in 2003.

According to the list, IAI is Israel’s leading defense company, in 33rd place (29th last year) with $1.86 billion in revenue in 2003. Military products accounted for $1.3 billion in revenue 70% of the total compared with $1.25 billion in 2002.

Elbit Systems was in 50th place (44th) with $898 million in revenue, including $848 million from military products, 94% of its total, compared with $779.3 million in 2002.

RAFAEL was in 52nd place (45th) with $830 million, all from military products, compared with $760 million in 2002.

IMI was in 75th place (73rd) with $513.1 million, including $480.1 million from military products (93.6%), compared with $410.3 million in 2002.

Tadiran Communications was in 98th place with $1.19 billion, including $272.2 billion from military products (22.8%), compared with $225.8 million in 2002.

Lockheed-Martin (NYSE: LMT) kept its top ranking from the preceding year, with $31.82 billion, including $30.09 billion from military products (94.6%).

Published by Globes [online] - www.globes.co.il - on June 29, 2004

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