Train from Modi'in stops with no brakes

Miraculously, the train, loaded with passengers, reached an incline and stopped after sailing through a station.

A major train accident was averted this morning when a train from Modi'in to Tel Aviv was able to stop, despite losing its brakes. The train, loaded with passengers, reached an incline and stopped after sailing through a station. The train driver has been taken for questioning, and Israel Railways is investigating the incident.

It is not clear whether the train left the Modi'in Central Station with faulty brakes, or if the breakdown occurred while on the move. The train sailed through its next stop at Pa'ate Modi'in without stopping, leaving the people on the platform agape in surprise.

An Israel Railways official said, "This in an operational fault, and the incident is under investigation.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on February 22, 2009

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