T h e A u s t r i a n E c o n o m y

Austrian Airlines Israel
 Austrian Business Agency
 Eco Plus Ltd the Development Agency of Lower Austria
 Ca IB Investment Bank
 Doka the Formworks Experts
 Immo Consult a Subsidiary of the Oestrreichische Volksbanken-AG
 Baden by Wiena |

Interview with Michael A. Love, Head of the Austrian Commercial
Office in Tel Aviv: Potential for economic relations.
Austrian Airlines, The Most Friendly Airline, an advertisement.
Profile: Austria, a preferred destination for business in Europe.
Ernest Gabmann, Minister for Economy and Tourism in Lower Austria:
Excellent investments opportunities in Lower Austria, Central and East
CA IB: Leading in the Pan-European stock exchange.
Doka: Advanced systems for cutting the building spending.
Immo Consult: A leader of project financing in Central - Eastern Europe.
Baden by Vienna: Tourism, Recreation, Casino