T h e G e r m a n E c o n o m y

The German Federal Office of Press and Information

The City of Berlin

The State of Nordrhein-Westfalen

The State of Saxony

The State of Rheinland Pfalz

Siemens Israel

The German Tourist Office |
Interview with the German Ambassador in Israel Dr. Franz Bertele .
Interview with Mrs.Brita Wagener,Economic Counsellor in the Embassy
Interview with the Federal Minister of Economy, Dr.Gunter Rexrodt, Dr.Hans Tietmeyer,President Deutsche Bundesbank. Financial Report
Interview with Mr. Hans Peter Stihl, President DIHT
Interview with Dr.Has-Joachim Has chief Economis Ger.Feder.of Indus.
Interview with Dr.Norman van Scherpenberg,a Profile of Expo 2000Hannover
Interview with Mr. Eberhard Diepgen,Mayor of the City of Berlin.
A two pages Economical Profile of the City of Berlin.
Interview with Dr.Johannes Rau,Prime Minister Nordrhein Westfalen.
Economical Profile of Nordrhein Westfalen.
Interview with Dr. Kajo Schommer,Minister of Economy Saxony.
Economical Profile of Saxony.
Interview with Mr.Ekkehard R.Koethe,Siemens Representative in IsraelSiemens Investments in Israel.
Interview with Mr.Rainer Bruederle,Vice Pr. Minister,Rheinland PfalzEconomical Profile of Rheinland Pfalz.
Pictures and Stories of New Tourist Destinations Dresden,Weimar, Erfurt.