M a g i c a l I n d i a
Front cover: 
The State Bank of India  The Confederation of the Indian Industries
 The Export Import Bank of India
 The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry
 El Al, Israeli Airline
 Tourism India
 Zim, The Israeli Maritime Company
 Apeda, Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority.
 IMC, Indian Merchants' Chamber
 Tahal, Consulting Engineers
 The Tea Board of India
An Advertorial Profile of the Economy of India, produced on the occasion on the visit of Arun Jaitley, Minister of Commerce & Industry, Law & Justice in Israel.
- Arun JaitleyMinister of Commerce & Industry, Law & Justice in the Indian Government:
"In October 2004 we will organize a 'Made In India' exhibition in Israel"
- S. Lakshminarayanan
Additional Secretary, Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Disinvestment, Communications & Information Technology:
"We believe that India will become the information capital of the world"
- Raminder Singh Jassal
Ambassador of India in Israel:
"We believe that peace can result in further economic progress in the region".
- A.K. Purwar
Chairman of the Board, State Bank of India:
"State Bank of India is working towards obtaining required approvals in order to have a presence in Israel".
- Confederation of Indian Industry
The Confederation of Indian Industry is initiating business and economic cooperation between India and Israel.
- T.C. Venkat Subramanian
CEO & Chairman of the Board, Export-Import Bank of India: "Exim Bank could offer assistance to Israeli companies in identifying suitable projects in India".
- The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)
The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry acts for the strengthening of the trade and economic ties between Israel and India.
- Satish Mehta
Counsellor, Embassy of India in Tel Aviv:
"Indian and Israeli companies can operate in cooperation in international markets".
India is a strategic destination of El Al in the Far East.
India invites business tourism and conference tourism from Israel.
Zim, the Israeli shipping company has been accompanying the economic growth of India.
- Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)
The window to the world of the huge Indian food market.
- Indian Merchants` Chamber
Attention Israeli Businessmen. Your Gateway To India: Indian Merchants` Chamber.
- Tahal
Consulting Engineers: We Helped Our Desert Bloom.
- Anindita Ray
Deputy Director Tea Promotion:"Tea Board of India is taking the initiative to protect the 'Darjeeling' label".