China and the BRICS context: growth or a bubble about to explode?
Sunday Dec 8th 13:15-14:30

Emerging markets, are they slowing down at an alarming rate or will they reach a dead end and enter a renewed imbalance period resulting in a crisis?
Is there really such a thing as BRICS? Can economies as diverse as China and Brazil come under a single roof?
Prof. Eugene Kandel , Head of the National Economic Council, , Prime Minister's Office
Liqun Jin, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, China Investment Corporation (CIC), People's Republic of China
Dr. Yukon Huang, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Dr. Nariman Behravesh, Chief Economist and Executive Vice President, IHS Global Insight
Prof. Leo Leiderman, Tel-Aviv University & Chief Economic Advisor, Bank Hapoalim
Moderator: Adrian Filut, Macro Correspondent, Globes

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