Advanced executive compensation, what is success?
Sunday Dec 8th 17:00 - 18:30

Most of us would agree that executives should be rewarded for success (especially through bonuses and options), but a question arises: What is success? How should it be defined and measured? What is the link between a company's success and that if its top executives?
How should success of executives who supervise HQ divisions be defined and measured?

Aharon Fogel, Chairman Migdal
Yitzchak Abercohen, CEO Shufersal
Ari Pinto, Member of the Board of Management & Head of Retail Banking, Bank Hapoalim
Dr. Michael J. Engel, an independent consultant and member of the board of directors at leading companies
Dan Falk an independent consultant and member of the board of directors at leading companies
Moderator: Avi Nir, CEO CompVision

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