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להרשמה לאתר הנדל"ן בתשלום' ] ,[ [1486,1641], ['19.4.2004/Henric.gif',82,57], ['#D6EBFF','#94C3EF'], ['נדל"ן מיסוי ומשפט'], 'אני מעונין לקבל בעתיד מידע נוסף על גלובס נדל"ן בתשלום.
להרשמה לאתר הנדל"ן בתשלום' ] ,[ [1229,1643], ['19.4.2004/ziv.gif',66,49], ['#d8fdbb','#agecge'], ['זיו סגל, ניתוח טכני'], 'ניתוח נתוני מדדים, מניות ומטבעות. אסטרטגיות תומכות החלטות מסחר' ] ,[ [2221,2220], ['19.4.2004/Matakh.gif',82,57], ['#FFB652','#F78A00'], ['מט"ח סקירות'], 'ניתוחים, אירועים, ניתוח טכני ותחזיות.
נח גוטליב, ' ] ,[ [2359,2359], ['gie2.gif',160,65], ['#D6EBFF','#94C3EF'], ['חוזים עתידיים'], 'עדכונים וחדשות משוקי החוזים הבינ"ל, ניתוחים טכניים של מיטב האנליסטים וסקירות של דוחות כלכליים לשבוע הצפוי.
גיא רוטנברג ושחף פרקש ממרקט פלייס ' ] ,[ [2379,2379], ['edoAndYam.gif',157,67], ['#fcf7cc','#fdef74'], ['שוק האג"ח העולמי'], 'מידע עדכני ואפשרויות השקעה בשוק האג"ח הבינלאומי.
עדו קוק, ' ] ,[ [2546,2546], ['conference.gif',105,60], ['#E3E2E2','#cbc9c9'], ['כנסים וארועים'], 'הכנסים המובילים של עולם העסקים: ועידת ישראל לעסקים,
הועידה לעסקים קטנים ובינוניים, כנס התקשורת והמדיה, כנס הפיננסים,
פסטיבל שיווק בג`ינס ועוד אירועים רבים אחרים. לאתר גלובס ייזום' ] ] //For new login // ['עדכון פרטי משתמש','9','/login/login.asp?ToUpdate=1'] //for Old login // ['עדכון פרטי משתמש','9','/serve/login/loginUpdate.asp'] var infomaarah = [ ['עדכון פרטי משתמש','9','/serve/login/loginUpdate.asp'] //see above ,['הפוך לעמוד הבית','11','javascript:setHPage(' + "'location.href'" + ')'] ,['לעזרה','12','javascript:open_help()'] ,['מנוי על עיתון גלובס','13','javascript:subscribe_2globes()'] ,['שירות למנויי העיתון','14','javascript:open_services()'] ,['מידע למפרסמים','15','javascript:OW6("' + host + '/serve/pirsum/")'] //PRODUCTION ,['עזרה למפרסמים','16','/serve/globes/NodeView.asp?fid=2577'] //QA //,['עזרה למפרסמים','16','/serve/globes/NodeView.asp?fid=2568'] ,['תנאי שימוש','18','javascript:conditions_of_use()'] //,['מה חדש באתר','19','javascript:OGW("' + host + '/serve/inc/guided_tour1.html")'] ,['מערכת האתר','20','javascript:OGW("' + host + '/serve/inc/guided_tour5_new.html")'] ,['צור קשר','10',''] ,['דרושים','17','javascript:open_jobs()'] ]; //2nd arg can be target var more_links = [ ['javascript:open_arena()','English'] ,['javascript:open_events()','ארועים'] ,['javascript:open_newsletters()','ניוזלטרים'] ,['javascript:open_celular()','סלולר'] ,['javascript:open_portal()','פורטל פיננסי'] //,['javascript:open_auctions()','מכרזים ולוחות'] ,['javascript:open_boards()','לוחות'] ,['javascript:open_library();','הספריה'] ,['/travel/','','נסיעות'] ,['javascript:open_RSS()',''] ,['javascript:open_blogim()','בלוגים'] ,['javascript:open_digital()','העיתון הדיגיטלי'] ,['javascript:open_nadlanDirot()','רוכשי דירה מקבלן'] ,['/International/','','International'] ,['/research/','','מחקרים'] ,['javascript:subscribe_2globes()','מנוי על גלובס'] ,['javascript:open_services()','שירות למנויי העיתון' ] ,['javascript:open_forums()','פורומים'] ,['javascript:open_jobs()','דרושים'] ,['javascript:OW6(\'/serve/pirsum/\')','מידע למפרסמים'] ,['javascript:conditions_of_use()','תנאי שימוש'] ,['javascript:open_help()','עזרה'] ,['','תגובות'] ,['/Support/Support.asp?Lang=HE','','תמיכה'] ,['/pay/rlogin.asp?p_backTo=/pay/updateuserN.asp?tab=1','','עדכון פרטים'] ,[host + '/pay/status.asp','','המוצרים שלי'] ]; var homepage_fid = 2 function _Constants() { this.FoldersCache = '/folders' //virtual this.a = host + '/archive' this.i = host + '/images' this.s = host + '/serve' this.s1 = '/serve' this.sp = this.s + '/pirsum' = this.s + '/globes' this.sf = this.s + '/forums' = this.s + '/images' = this.s + '/search' this.sns = host + '/archive' this.sin = + '/new/' this.sit = + '/titles' this.siq = + '/quotes' this.sip = + '/pixel.gif' this.sirr = + '/ribua_red.gif' this.sirg = + '/ribua_green.gif' = '' this.fd = '' this.f = host + '/Finance' this.fsr = this.f + '/shared/SearchResults.asp' this.tdar = '' this.spcr = '
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'¶m=' + script_qs : '' i.src = host + '/shared/js/h.asp?aid=' + parseInt(area_fid) + '&t=' + t.getTime() + ignor + drfrr + '&language=he' + param j.src = host + '/shared/s.ashx?aid=' + area_fid + '&t=' + t.getTime() + ignor + drfrr + '&language=he' + param }) function InsertPortfolio() { // Check if user already inside of the portfolio var userID = GetCookie("GlobesCookie","PGlobUserId") var inside = GetCookie("INSIDE","") document.cookie = "IsFunds=1; expires=sat,01-Jan-2000 00:00:00 GMT; path=/" // If user is not exist in portfolio then display input for entering userID and password if ((userID == "") || (userID == null) || (inside == "") || (inside == null)) { //top.location.href = host + "/pay/rlogin.asp?p_backTo=" + escape("/finance/Portfolio/Portfolio.asp?what=track&in=1"); top.location.href = host + "/pay/rlogin.asp?p_backTo=" + escape("/globessites/Globes/Portfolio/Portfolio/portfolio.aspx"); } else { // If user inside then check what default portfolio and redirect accordingly //top.location.href = _C.f + "/Portfolio/loginVer.asp" top.location.href = "/globessites/globes/Portfolio/Portfolio/Portfolio.aspx" } } function GetCookie(sCookie,sSubCookie) { var startIndex, endIndex, valueCookie; startIndex = document.cookie.indexOf(sCookie); if (startIndex != -1) { startIndex += sCookie.length + 1; endIndex = document.cookie.indexOf(";",startIndex); if (endIndex == -1) endIndex = document.cookie.length; valueCookie = document.cookie.substring(startIndex,endIndex); if (sSubCookie != "") { startIndex = valueCookie.indexOf(sSubCookie); if (startIndex != -1) { startIndex += sSubCookie.length + 1; endIndex = valueCookie.indexOf("&",startIndex); if (endIndex == -1) endIndex = valueCookie.length; valueCookie = valueCookie.substring(startIndex,endIndex); return(valueCookie); } else return ""; } else return(valueCookie); } else return ""; } //shared in Finance! function open_homepage() {top.location.href = _C.s + '/'} function open_Nadlan() {top.location.href = '/nadlan/'} function getFolderPath(id) {return + '/nodeview.asp?fid=' + id} function show_toplink(a,rqstr) { // if (rqstr == 'from_p' && a[1]== "netunim.gif"){a = ['open_homepage()','leatar.gif',62,15,'לאתר גלובס']} return '' + a[4] + '' + '' } function show_top(prm) { var sHREF = (document.location.href + "").toLowerCase() sHREF = sHREF.substring(sHREF.indexOf("?")+1,sHREF.length) if ((parent.location!=document.location) && sHREF!="fid=2"){ parent.location.href=window.location.href; } //alert(sHREF) if (arguments.length == 0) {prm = []} var s= "" for (var i in top_links) { s+= (i == 0 ? '' : '') + '' + top_links[i][4] + '' } return '' + '' + s + '' // + s + '' + '' + '
קישוריםקישורים מהירים
' } function show_top1(prm) { if (arguments.length == 0) {prm = []} if (bin_list(prm,"new")) {return new_top(prm)} var from_p = in_list(prm,'from_p') ? 'from_p' : '' dw('' + '' + '') for(var i in top_links) {dw(show_toplink(top_links[i],from_p))} dw('') dw('
' + '' + '' + '
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עשה מנוי לעיתון גלובס
') } dw('') try { dw('') dw('') dw('
') dw(pixel(1,7,'
')) dw('') dw('  |  כל זכויות שמורות לגלובס 2001') dw('
Application delivery by Application delivery by radware
') dw('


') } function open_portal(){top.location.href = _C.f} // function open_library(){location.href = + '/library.asp'} function open_library(){ + '/nodeview.asp?fid=1667')} //function open_library(){location.href = + '/nodeview.asp?fid=1667'} //REMARK FOR OMER: THE FOLLOWING LINE IS FOR THE BLACK THIG ABOVE: function open_archiv(){top.location.href = _C.sns + '/multisearch.asp'} function open_fcurrency(){top.location.href = _C.f + '/Currency/Currency.asp'} function open_celular(){top.location.href = + '/NodeView.asp?fid=1909'} //function open_navigator(){'')} function open_RSS(){top.location.href = host + '/rss/'} function open_forums(a) { if (arguments.length == 0) {a = ""} top.location.href = _C.sf + '/Tapuz.asp' + (a.toString().match(/\d+/) ? "?forumID=" + a : "") } function open_jobs(){top.location.href = + '/NodeView.asp?fid=2707'} function open_blogim(){'','gblogs','toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,left=100,top=100,width=800,height=600').focus()} function open_digital(){'','digital','toolbar=yes,location=yes,status=yes,menubar=yes,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,left=100,top=100,width=800,height=600').focus()} function open_nadlanDirot(){top.location.href = + '/NodeView.asp?fid=2621'} function open_auctions(){top.location.href = + '/nodeview.asp?fid=1283'} function open_globestv(c) { var u = '' if (arguments.length > 0) u += '?cliname=' + c,'GlobesTV','width=782,height=590,left=10,top=10,toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no') } function open_boards(){ + '/GlobesSites/Globes/board')} function open_events(){ + '/events/')} function open_zira(){'')} function open_radio() {'','radio','left=100,top=100,toolbar=no,scrollbars=no,menu=no,status=no,width=439,height=287').focus()} function open_research(){top.location.href = host + '/research/'} function open_arena(){top.location.href = host + '/serveen/'} function open_newsletters() {top.location.href = host + "/GlobesSites/globes/alerts/alerts.aspx"} //function openrealTimeWin(){top.location.replace("/finance/realtime/realtime.asp?pid=rt&p_backTo=" + escape(document.location.href.replace(/&?rt=1/,"")))} function subscribe_2globes(){ + '/ads/globes/','subscribe','width=450,height=600,left=100,top=100,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,menu')} function newsletter(o){if (right(location.href,27).toLowerCase() != '/serve/newsletters/form.asp') open_newsletters()} function mador(o) {if (o.value != 0) location.href= '/nodeview.asp?fid=' + o.value} function OW6(l){,'help','width=480,height=510,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no')} function OW8(l){MaNui()} function OGW(l){,'Guided','width=600,height=500,left=50,top=50,scrollbars=no,resizable=no')} function http_host() { var b = location.href.indexOf('//') + 2 var e = location.href.indexOf('/',b) return location.href.substring(b,e).toLowerCase() } if (http_host() == '' && !NoAdClient()) {top.location.href = host + '/pay/login_2NoAd.asp'} function login_2NoAd(){ + '/pay/login.asp?pid=noad', 'pay', 'status=yes,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=400,height=210,left=' + (screen.width-320)/2 + ',top=' + (screen.height-220)/2)} function OpenWin9(s) { // Changed to new link of instrument data (08/12/2002) if (isNaN(parseFloat(s))) var win ='/Finance/Portfolio/RT_or_REQUEST.asp?close=4&Symbol=' + s + '&ExchangeID=4', '', 'width=350, height=550, status=yes, menubars=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=auto, resizable=no, left=' + (screen.width-350)/2 + ',top=' + (screen.height-550)/2); else var win ='/Finance/Portfolio/RT_or_REQUEST.asp?close=4&Symbol=' + s + '&ExchangeID=45', '', 'width=350, height=550, status=yes, menubars=no, toolbar=no, scrollbars=auto, resizable=no, left=' + (screen.width-350)/2 + ',top=' + (screen.height-550)/2); } function OpenWin4(){ + "/DisclaimerForum.html","DisclaimerForum","width=400,height=250,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no");} function OpenWin5(){"/Disclaimer.html","Disclaimer","width=400,height=250,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no");} function OpenWin6(Surl){ Surl ,"help","width=633,height=510,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no");} function OpenWin7(pic){'/serve/inc/popup_graf.asp?id=' + pic ,"GrafNadlan","width=550,height=600,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=no,resizable=no");} function OpenWin8(url){,"Resume","width=750,height=500,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no");} function OpenWin10(s){OpenWin9(s)} function OpenWinD(pic,pic2){'/serve/inc/popup_graf.asp?id=' + pic+'&id2='+pic2 ,"GrafNadlan","width=800,height=500,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=no,resizable=no");} daysArray=new Array('ינואר','פברואר','מרץ','אפריל','מאי','יוני','יולי','אוגוסט','ספטמבר','אוקטובר','נובמבר','דצמבר') function Open_GUIDED_Win(ID){ ID ,"Guided","width=600,height=500,left=50,top=50,scrollbars=no,resizable=no")} //inside //function OW6(l){,'help','width=480,height=510,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no')} //function OW8(l){MaNui()} //function OGW(l){,'Guided','width=600,height=500,left=50,top=50,scrollbars=no,resizable=no')} function conditions_of_use(){(NoAdClient()) ? OW6(host+'/pay/Disclaimer.asp') : OW6('/Disclaimer.html')} function open_help(){'/help.html' ,"help","width=650,height=510,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no");} function open_services(){'/serve/pirsum/',"services","width=650,height=375,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no");} //For new login //function open_login(){location.href = '/login/login.asp'} function open_login(){location.href = _C.s + '/login/login.asp'} function pixel(w,h,a){return '' + a} function us(s) { if (typeof(s) != 'string') return '' var ch,us = '' for(i = 0; i < s.length ;i++) { ch = s.charCodeAt(i) if (ch >= 224 && ch <= 250) us += ('&#' + (ch - 224 + 1488) + ';') else us += s.substring(i,i+1) } return us } function replace(s,r,n) { var i,ls,lr ls = s.length lr = r.length i = s.indexOf(r) if (i < 0) return s return s.substring(0,i) + n + replace(s.substring(i+lr,s.length),r,n) } function dw(s){document.write(s)} var r_mouse_over = '' var r_mouse_out = '' function folder_title(fid) { var a = "כל הכתבים והמדורים" var b = "תתי מדורים" switch(fid) { case 845 : return a } return b } function mouse_over(o,c,i,p) { if (arguments.length == 3) {p = r_mouse_over} o.bgColor = c i.src = p } function mouse_out(o,c,i,p) { if (arguments.length == 3) {p = r_mouse_out} mouse_over(o,c,i,p) } function show_folder(a,fid,is_first) { var bg_color var imgs,imgn var navifontcolor var imgn = 'folder_sqr_' + a[1] if (a[1] == fid) { bg_color='#CC0000' navifontcolor='#FFF' imgs = _C.sirr } else { bg_color='#DCDADB' navifontcolor='#000' imgs = r_mouse_out } if (true != is_first) { dw('') dw('' + pixel(1,1,'
') + '') dw(td_kav(2,0,1,'#000000')) dw('') } dw('') } else { dw(' onclick=top.location.href="' + getFolderPath(a[1]) +'">') } dw('' + a[0] + '  ') dw(td_kav(1,1,1,'#000000')) dw('
') dw('') } function show_folders(fid) { var nadlan_is_in_the_list = false dw('') dw('') dw('') dw('
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') dw( '
') if (true != nadlan_is_in_the_list) {return} //dw('
') dw('') dw('') dw( '') dw('') dw('
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') dw( '
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כל כותרות היום
') } function kol_kotrot_important() { var bg_color var navifontcolor var imgs var a = + '/AllNews.asp?searchType=2' if (document.location.href.indexOf('searchType=2') > -1) { bg_color='#CC0000' navifontcolor="#FFF" imgs = _C.sirr } else { bg_color='#DCDADB' navifontcolor='#000' imgs = r_mouse_out } dw( '') dw(' ') dw( '') dw( '') dw(' ') dw( '
כל הכותרות החשובות
') } function kol_deot() { var bg_color var navifontcolor var imgs var a = + '/nodeview.asp?fid=845' if ((document.location.href.indexOf('fid=845') > -1)||(document.location.href.indexOf('fid=893') > -1)) { bg_color='#CC0000' navifontcolor="#FFF" imgs = _C.sirr } else { bg_color='#DCDADB' navifontcolor='#000' imgs = r_mouse_out } dw( '') dw(' ') dw( '') dw( '') dw(' ') dw( '
כל הדעות
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  ' + us(img.substring(1)) + '' + img + '
' s += '' return s } function td_kav(cs,w,h,c) { var s = '' s += ' 3) s += ' bgcolor="' + c + '"' if (cs != 1) s += ' colspan="' + cs + '"' if (w > 0) s += ' width="' + w + '"' s += '>' s += pixel(1,h,'
') s += '' return s } function tr_kav(cs,w,h,c) {return '' + ((arguments.length == 3) ? td_kav(cs,w,h) : td_kav(cs,w,h,c)) + ''} function raisha(s,n) { var sl = s.length if (sl < n) return s var i = 0 var cc = 0 var noc = n while(cc < noc && i < sl) { if (s.substring(i,i + 5) == ''') {i += 5; noc = n+1} else i++ cc++ } return s.substring(0,i) } function b_tr(c,a,ci,msk) { if (arguments.length == 3) msk = '*' var s = tr_kav(3,0,1,'ffffff') var fontcolor = 'black' var sign = a[1],change=a[2] + '%',name=raisha(a[5],8),rate=a[ci] if (msk != '*') { if (msk.indexOf(sign) == -1) { sign = '' change = ' ' name = '' rate = ' ' } } if (sign == '-') fontcolor = 'red' if (sign == '+') fontcolor = 'green' s += '' s += '' + change + '' s += '' + rate + '' s += '  ' + name + '' s += '' return s } function bb(a,sclmn,msk) { if (arguments.length == 2) msk = '*' var i,s = '' s += '' s += '' s += '' s += '' s += '' s += '' for(i = 0; i < 5 ;i++) s += b_tr(bg_colors[i % 2],a[i],sclmn,msk) s += tr_kav(3,0,1,'ffffff') s += '' s += '
' + us('שינוי ב-%') + ' ' + us('שער') + '' + us('שם') + '  
' return s } function boltot_change(e,t) { var inrhtml, p = '' var s = '' s += '' s += '' s += '' s += '' s += '' s += '
' switch(t) { case 'l' : inrhtml = bb(eval('boltot_' + e + '[2]') , 3 ,'-') break case 'h' : inrhtml = bb(eval('boltot_' + e + '[1]') , 3 ,'+') break case 'v' : inrhtml = bb(eval('boltot_' + e + '[0]') , 3 ,'*') break } document.getElementById(e + "_bdiv").innerHTML = s + inrhtml } function boltot(e) { var s, img, sqr= _C.sirr,bgc='bbbbbb', tc = '73B24A' s = '' //if (e == 'ta'){s += tr_ttl(1,tc,'*הבורסה בתל-אביב',_C.sirg,2)} //if (e == 'ny'){s += tr_ttl(1,tc,'*ישראליות בוול סטריט',_C.sirg,2)} s += '' s += '' s += '' s += '
' s += '
' s += '
' return s } function e_2graph(e) { if (e == 'ta') return 'ta25' if (e == 'ny') return 'nsdq' return '' } function big_graph(e) { var g = e_2graph(e) if (!g) return var url = host + '/serve/inc/graph-' + g + '.html' if (typeof(graph_host) != 'undefined') url += '?gh=' + graph_host var w =,g + '_graph','width=380,height=300,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=no,resizable=no') if (w) w.focus() } function graph(e) { var g = e_2graph(e) if (g.length == 0) return '' var instrument, feeder; switch (g) { case 'ta25': feeder = 0 instrument = 979 //img = '' img = '' break; case 'nsdq': feeder = 1 instrument = 66772 //img = '' img = '' break; default: instrument = ''; img = '/images/pixel.gif' break; } var s = '' if (instrument != '') s = '' return s } function define_styles() { if (typeof(timeleft) == 'object') return dw('') } define_styles() function has_boltot(e) { if (e == 'ta' && typeof(boltot_ta) != 'undefined') {return true} if (e == 'ny' && typeof(boltot_ny) != 'undefined') {return true} return false } function e_block(d,e,with_indices,with_mth) { var c = 'ffffff', bc = 'cfcfcf', tc = '73B24A' var sg = host + '/images/finance/show.gif' var sBlockTitle = 'ת"א נתונים פיננסיים' if (e != 'ta') sBlockTitle = 'וול סטריט' if (typeof(d) == 'string') return '' var s = '' if (arguments.length > 3) { if (with_mth && typeof(mthdata) != 'undefined') { s += show_mth() } } s += '
'+ '
' + sBlockTitle + '
' + '
'+ '
' + graph(e) + '
' //if (e=='ta') {s += '' + Index_TA(bc,tc,sg,31,19) + ''} //s += tr_kav(1,0,7,c) if (e=='ny') {s += '
' + Index_NY(bc,tc,sg,31,19) + '
'} if (has_boltot(e)) {s += '
' + boltot(e) if (e=='ny') { s += arbitraz(bc,tc,sg,31,19) } s += '
' } s += '
' if (arguments.length > 2) { if (with_indices && typeof(indices) != 'undefined') { // s += tr_kav(1,0,7,c) s += show_indices() + '' } } d.innerHTML = s show_exchange_status(eval(e + '_data'),e + '_div' ) if (has_boltot(e)) boltot_change(e,'v') } function show_exchange_status(e_data) { var ta_time = proximate_ta_time() var e_date = new Date(ta_time.getTime() + e_data[5] * 60 * 60 * 1000) var e_duration = e_data[4] - e_data[3] if (good_day(e_date,e_data)) { var e_minutes = 60 * e_date.getHours() + e_date.getMinutes() if (e_minutes < e_data[3]) IsStockWorks = "no" else { if (e_minutes < e_data[4]) IsStockWorks = "yes"; else IsStockWorks = "no"; } } else IsStockWorks = "no"; return IsStockWorks } function tr_4indices(bgc,a) { var _london_ = 'לונדון' var _paris_ = 'פריז' var _frnkf_ = 'פרנקפורט' var _tokio_ = 'טוקיו' var _hk_ = 'הונג קונג' // var _dj_ = 'דאו ג\'ונם' // var _ta25_ = 'תל אביב 25' IsStockWorks = "no"; image = ""; switch(a[3]) { case 'london': if(typeof ln_data !="undefined") { IsStockWorks = show_exchange_status(ln_data) image = 'דגל' } break; case 'paris': if(typeof paris_data !="undefined") { IsStockWorks = show_exchange_status(paris_data) image = 'דגל' } break; case 'frnkf': if(typeof frnkf_data !="undefined") { IsStockWorks = show_exchange_status(frnkf_data) image = 'דגל' } break; case 'tokio': if(typeof tk_data !="undefined") { IsStockWorks = show_exchange_status(tk_data) image = 'דגל' } break; case 'hk': if(typeof hk_data !="undefined") { IsStockWorks = show_exchange_status(hk_data) image = 'דגל' } break; default : return null } var s = tr_kav(4,0,1,'ffffff') var sPercentage = Math.round(a[1]*Math.pow(10,1))/Math.pow(10,1); var sRate = Math.round(a[2]*Math.pow(10,1))/Math.pow(10,1); var img = tgif(a[0]) s += '' s += _C.tdar + img + '' s += _C.tdar + sPercentage + '%' s += _C.tdar + sRate + '' s += _C.tdar + eval('_' + a[3] + '_') + '' s += _C.tdar + image + '' s += '' return s } function tgif(c) { if (c == '-') return '' if (c == '+') return '' return ' ' } function show_indices() { var j=0 var s = ''+ '' + '' for(var i in indices) { var t = tr_4indices(bg_colors[j],indices[i]) if (t) {s += t; j=1-j} } s += '' s += '
בורסות באירופה ואסיה
' + '' + '' + ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ ''+ '
מקרא: דגלמתקיים מסחר דגלאין מסחר
'+ '
' return s } function tr_4mth(bgc,a) { var img = tgif(a[0]) var s = tr_kav(4,0,1,'ffffff') s += '' s += '' + a[1] + '%' s += '' + a[2] + '' s += '' + a[3] + '' s += '' + img + '' s += '' return s } function show_mth() { var i,s = '' s += ''+ ''+ '' for(i in mthdata) s += tr_4mth(bg_colors[i % 2],mthdata[i]) s += '
מט"ח - שערים יציגים
 נכון ל - ' + mthdate + '
' +'
'+ g.almond.iframe(337,170,40,5)+ '
' return s } function barometer(bc,tc,g,w,h) { return '
' + '
מגמות מסחר לפי נפח פעילות
' + '
' + '' + '
' } function Index_TA(bc,tc,g,w,h) { try { return '
' + '
' + '
\ \
' + '
\ \
' + barometer(bc,tc,g,31,19) + analysts_recommendation(bc,tc,g,31,19) + '
' //see searchData.js }catch(e){} } function Index_NY(bc,tc,g,w,h) { return '
' + '
'+ //'
' + '
'+ ' '+ '
' + '
' } function arbitraz(bc,tc,g,w,h) { return '
' + '
מניות ארביטראז
' + '
'+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ ' '+ '
תל אביב ניו יורק
'+ '
' + '
' } function analysts_recommendation(bc,tc,g,w,h) { return '
המלצות אנליסטים
' + '
טבלת המלצות אנליסטים
המשוכללת מסוגה
' } function CurrencyEntry(bc,tc,g,w,h) { return '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
מטבעות וסחורות
למרכז המט"ח של גלובס
' } function pentrance() { if ((typeof(BuildActiveInstruments) == "function") && (typeof(ArraySetup) == "function")) { var instrumentsArray = ArraySetup(); var strActiveTable = BuildActiveInstruments(instrumentsArray); } else { var strActiveTable = '
' + '
'+ '
'+ g.almond.iframe(655,60,10)+ '
תיק השקעות
' + '
' + '
' } return (strActiveTable); } function portfolio(parameters) { if (arguments.length < 1) {parameters = ['portfolio','funds','arbitraz','barometer','analysts','currency']} if (parameters.length == 0) return "" var first = parameters[0] try { if (window.opener.location.pathname != "/Funds/default.asp") { document.cookie = "IsFunds=1; expires=sat,01-Jan-2000 00:00:00 GMT; path=/" } } catch(e) { document.cookie = "IsFunds=1; expires=sat,01-Jan-2000 00:00:00 GMT; path=/" } var c = 'ffffff' var bc = 'F0F0F0' var tc = '73B24A' var sg = host + '/images/finance/show.gif' var s = '' if (bin_list(parameters,"portfolio")) s += '' + pentrance(bc,tc) if (typeof(strTopFunds) == 'string' && bin_list(parameters,"funds")) { s += '
' + strTopFunds + '
' } if (bin_list(parameters,"Index_TA")){s += Index_TA(bc,tc,sg,31,19)+''} if (bin_list(parameters,"currency")){ if (first != "currency") s += CurrencyEntry(bc,tc,sg,31,19) } return s } function add_kvkv() { dw('') dw('' + pixel(1,1,'
') + '') dw('' + pixel(1,1,'
') + '') dw('' + pixel(1,1,'
') + '') dw('') } function show_portal_links() { show_sub_folders('*נתונים פיננסיים','DCDADB','portal_folders','links_infoPopUp','73B24A',_C.sirg) } function show_finance_block() { dw('
') dw('
נתונים פיננסיים
') dw('
'+drawSelectMenu(156, false)+'
') dw('
') } function links_infoPopUp(fid) { + '/serve/inc/links_infoPopUp.asp?fid=' + fid,'portals','width=200,height=200,left=500,top=400,scrollbars=auto,resizable=no,alwaysRaised=yes') } function nadlanlinks(id) { var i for(i = 0; i < nadlan_links_array.length && nadlan_links_array[i][1] != id ;i++) if (i >= nadlan_links_array.length) return (nadlan_links_array[i][2]) } function nodeview(fid) { location.href = + '/nodeview.asp?fid=' + fid } function show_sub_folders(ti,c,an,f,ttl_color,r) { if (arguments.length < 6) r = _C.sirr // '73B24A' if (arguments.length < 5) ttl_color = 'bababa' var i,imgn,a = eval(an) dw('') dw(tr_ttl(3,ttl_color,ti,r,2)) for (i=0;i < a.length ;i++) { //if(i==5) continue; imgn = an + '_' + i dw('' ); dw('') dw(td_kav(1,0,1,'#000000')) dw('') dw('') if(i < a.length-1) add_kvkv() } dw('
' + a[i][0] + '  
') } function link_to(s) { if (s.substring(0,11).toLowerCase() == scptj()) {eval(s); return} if (s.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() == 'mailto:') {location.href = s; return} if (s.substring(0, 7).toLowerCase() != 'http://') {s = host + s} location.href = s } function click_hndlr(a,i,c,t) { var fid,s = eval(a)[i][c] fid = parseInt(s) if (!isNaN(fid)) { + t + '?fid=' + fid,'portals','width=200,height=200,left=500,top=400,scrollbars=auto,resizable=no,alwaysRaised=yes') return } link_to(s) } function show_info() { var i,imgn var bg_color var navifontcolor var imgs dw('') //dw('') //dw('') //dw(td_kav(1,1,1,'#000000')) //dw('') //dw('') for (i=0;i < infomaarah.length ;i++) { imgn = 'info_' + i //for QA //if ((document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf('pay/updateusern.asp?tab=1') > -1 && i == 0) || (document.location.href.indexOf('fid=2568') > -1 && i == 6)){ //for Production if ((document.location.href.toLowerCase().indexOf('pay/updateusern.asp?tab=1') > -1 && i == 0) || (document.location.href.indexOf('fid=2577') > -1 && i == 6) || (document.location.href.indexOf('fid=2707') > -1 && i == 10)){ bg_color='#CC0000' navifontcolor="#FFF" imgs = _C.sirr } else { bg_color='#DCDADB' navifontcolor='#000' imgs = r_mouse_out } dw(''); dw('') dw(td_kav(1,1,1,'#000000')) dw('') dw('') if(i < infomaarah.length-1) add_kvkv() } dw('
עזרה ומידע שימושי
' + infomaarah[i][0] + '
') } var cta_time var cny_time function proximate_ta_time() { var n = new Date() if (typeof(ta_time) != 'undefined') return (new Date(ta_time.getTime() + (n.getTime() - bo_time.getTime()))) var serverTimezoneOffset = -120 n.setTime(n.getTime() + ((serverTimezoneOffset - n.getTimezoneOffset()) * 60 * 1000)) ta_time = n bo_time = new Date() return n } function show_full_date() { try { var dow = ["ראשון","שני","שלישי","רביעי","חמישי","שישי","שבת"] var Localdate = cta_time.getDate() + "." + (cta_time.getMonth()+ 1) + "." + (2000 + (cta_time.getYear() % 100)) var LocalDay = us('יום ' + dow[cta_time.getDay()]) document.getElementById("date_in_israel").innerHTML = '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + us(LocalDay) + ', ' + Localdate + '
' } catch(e) {} } function pad(x,p) {return ((x < 10) ? p + x : x)} function update_timediv() { try { document.getElementById("hm_in_israel").innerHTML = pad(cta_time.getHours() , '0') + ':' + pad(cta_time.getMinutes(),'0') document.getElementById("hm_in_ny").innerHTML = pad(cny_time.getHours() , '0') + ':' + pad(cny_time.getMinutes(),'0') } catch(e) {} } function in_list(a,s) { if (typeof(a) == 'string') return (a == s) if (typeof(a) == 'undefined') return false for(var i=0; i < a.length ;i++) { if (typeof(a[i]) == 'string') { if (a[i] == s) {return true} else continue } try{if (a[i][0] == s) return i}catch(e){} } return false } function bin_list(i,l) {return in_list(i,l)} function increment_time() { show_full_date() update_timediv() cta_time.setTime(cta_time.getTime() + 60000) cny_time.setTime(cny_time.getTime() + 60000) window.setTimeout('increment_time()', 60000) } function GetCookie(sCookie,sSubCookie) { var startIndex, endIndex, valueCookie; startIndex = document.cookie.indexOf(sCookie); if (startIndex != -1) { startIndex += sCookie.length + 1; endIndex = document.cookie.indexOf(";",startIndex); if (endIndex == -1) endIndex = document.cookie.length; valueCookie = document.cookie.substring(startIndex,endIndex); if (sSubCookie != "") { startIndex = valueCookie.indexOf(sSubCookie); if (startIndex != -1) { startIndex += sSubCookie.length + 1; endIndex = valueCookie.indexOf("&",startIndex); if (endIndex == -1) endIndex = valueCookie.length; valueCookie = valueCookie.substring(startIndex,endIndex); return(valueCookie); } else return null; } else return(valueCookie); } else return null; } // var search = "GlobesCookie" var IExist = document.cookie.indexOf("GlobesCookie") var user_id = parseInt(GetCookie("GlobesCookie","PGlobUserId")) function checkReg(sUrl, NewWindow) { var res if (IExist == -1) { window.location=host + '/serve/login/login.asp'; } else { if (NewWindow == 1) { res = (sUrl,"",'width=800,height=600,left=0,top=0,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'); } else { window.location=sUrl; } } } function addtop_separator(){dw('' + pixel(1,1,'
') + '')} function search_txt() { if (!document.find.searchQuery.value) ; else document.find.action= _C.sns + '/multiSearch.asp' document.find.submit() } function nomatch() {alert("לא נמצאה מניה");} function searchArchive () { if (document.find.searchQuery.value) { document.find.action= _C.sns + '/query.asp' //document.find.all.value = document.find.searchQuery.value //document.find.searchQuery.value = '' //document.find.status.value = '2' document.find.action= _C.sns + '/query.asp' document.find.status.value = 'All' } else document.find.action= _C.sns + '/multiSearch.asp' document.find.submit() } function stock(strToSearch,Exchange,winWidth,WinHeight) { top.location.href = +'/Stock_result.asp?strToSearch='+strToSearch+'&Exchange='+Exchange; } function doSelect (surl) { eval(surl) document.getElementById("sb_combo").selectedIndex = 0 } function searchFind(s) { ('' + encodeURIComponent(s) + '&lang=2~rtl&indexversion=globes&ssid=23', "find")} function search_find(input_id) {searchFind(document.getElementById(arguments.length > 0 ? input_id : "query_for_find").value)} function search_site() { function sr(e,f,q,w,t) {location.href = _C.fsr + '?ExchangeID=' + e + '&Feeder=' + f + '&WhatType=' + w + '&TypeID=' + t + '&strToSearch=' + escape(q.match(/^\s*$/) ? 'א' : q)} var e = document.getElementById("site_search_selector") e.blur() var v = e.options[(arguments.length > 0) ? s : e.selectedIndex].value if (arguments.length == 0) {e.selectedIndex = 0} var q = document.getElementById("query_for_site").value if (v == 'ny') {return sr(4,1,q,2,2)} if (v == 'ta') {return sr(45,0,q,1,6)} location.href = _C.a + (q.match(/^\s*$/) ? "/" : '/query.asp?searchQuery=' + q + '&count=10&field=0&period=0&status=All') } function show_search_bar(p4search_bar) { function timetable(name,id) { return '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + name + '
' } var input_font = '11px arial' var side_border = '1px solid #f0f0f0' return '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
' + drawSelectMenu(133) + '' + '' + '' + timetable('ישראל','hm_in_israel') + '' + timetable('ניו יורק','hm_in_ny') + '
' } function draw_brief_title(n,a,i) { dw('') dw('') dw('') if (n.substring(0,1) == '*') n = '' + n.substring(1) + '  ' else n = '' dw('') dw('') dw('') dw('') dw('') dw('') dw('') dw('') } function brief_element(a) { var j; dw(''); if (a[0][2].length > 0 && a[0][3]) // node has sponsor dw('us(בחסות)'); else dw('
'); dw('
'); dw(''); if (a[0][1].length > 0) dw(''); dw('' + a[0][0] + ''); if (a[0][1].length > 0) dw(''); dw(''); dw('
'); dw(''); for(j=1; j < a.length ;j+=2) { dw(''); dw( ' '+ us(a[j]) + ''); dw( '
'); dw(''); } dw(''); dw('
'); dw(''); } function brief(n,r,a,i) { if (r.length > 0) { dw('
'); if (arguments.length == 4) draw_brief_title(n,a,i); else draw_brief_title(n); dw(''); for(var i=0; i < r.length ;i++){ brief_element(r[i]); } dw('

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' + show_top(p4top) + '
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') dw( '') dw( '') //dw( '') dw( '') //dw( '') //dw( '') //if (width_after > 0) dw('') dw( '') dw( '') dw( '
' + pixel(0,94,'') + '
'); aad(16,400,60,1); dw('
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הכתבות הנקראות ביותר באתר
' r += '
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